A Publication from AJ6 Engineering.

in the Modern World.

Reviews of 'Engine Technology for the Modern World'

From Jaguar World - June 2011

Book Review

Engine Technology for the Modern world - Roger Bywater

AJ6 Publications - ISBN 978-0-9567763-0-3

Whilst not strictly a Jaguar book, you will note that this 'labour of love' has been written by former Jaguar development engineer; principle of respected performance upgrade company 'AJ6 Engineering and regular JWM contributor, Roger Bywater. This ensures that throughout, references are made to our favourite marque in order to illustrate the many areas covered. To say these areas are comprehensive is an understatement, they range through principles of combustion, fueling, induction and exhaust - encompassing specifics such as manifold and camshaft design considerations, emissions, ignition requirements, the principles of super and turbocharging and (as they say) much, much more! Do not expect a manual instructing 'how to make your car faster', more a method of understanding principles in depth to enable you to recognise extravagant claims.

This is not the sort of book you take to the beach and read from cover to cover, instead the excellent contents section allows you to locate your current area of interest, go straight to it, then read around the topic - reinforcing your conceptions or indeed exposing misconceptions, a good example would be 'active silencing' - a feature now to be found on the latest XKs. The subtitle "bridging the gap between the enthusiastic layman and the expert" sums up Rogers' ability to explain complex topics, rendering understanding accessible to us in a very readable style aided by no less than 274 diagrams and illustrations (count them!)

Available from AJ6 Engineering

From Race Engine Technology - Issue 55 June/July 2011

Now available...

Over issues 49 and 54 we have presented in some depth information on the design, development and performance of the Toyota Formula One V8, last raced in 2009 and still representative of the state of the art thanks to the current engine freeze. In this issue, Roger Bywater considers its performance in the context of the Cosworth DFV, which was the first of the modern-style Formula One engines. Bywater is strong on this type of analysis, a fact that became clear when the editor was sent a copy of his book, Engine Technology for the Modem World (AJ6 Publications 2010, ISBN 978-0-9567-763-0-3).

Subtitled Bridging the Gap between the Enthusiastic Layman and the Expert, that is precisely what the book does in its explanation of today's engine technology in all its aspects, from combustion basics at the start of the first chapter to exhaust emissions in the context of blown engines at the end of the final one.

In essence, the book sets out to explain not just the fundamentals of today's engine technology but how it has evolved and why. For newcomers to the field this provides a superb introduction to all key topics including the likes of supercharging, turbocharging, variable valve timing and so on.

For anyone who finds they are puzzled by something they read in Race Engine Technology, this book almost certainly has the answer.

From Practical Performance Car - July 2011, Issue 87

by Dave Walker - Technical Editor.

I've just finished reading one of the best books on engines I've ever come across. It will never win a Booker prize or make the best seller list because those awards are based on volume of sales. But I couldn't put it down.

Roger Bywater's worked in the automotive engineering business for a lifetime, specialising in engine design and development with a long spell at Jaguar working on the V12 engine. His book draws mainly on personal experience, not information gleaned from the internet.

There are 11 chapters in total covering just about every aspect of engine design, from camshaft and valve operation to pressure charging, inlet systems and exhaust design, all written with a view to explaining pretty much in layman's terms how it all works. I really learned from this book but then I have known Roger for over 20 years and I always learn something when I talk to him. Allow me to give you an example.

I have always wanted to know why so many motorcycles run megaphone exhausts when you never see them on cars. Roger explains that the best way to get a reverse pulse in a pipe is by having an extreme section change; like an open-ended pipe. That's exactly what the early racers used. Then a rule change specified a minimum exhaust length. The megaphone started to appear just after that rule change as a way of getting a shorter pipe length while meeting the overall length rule. With a tapered megaphone shape, inlet or exhaust, the engine sees it as an uncertain length and the pressure wave usually reflects before it reaches atmosphere, part way up the pipe.

Roger goes on to explain how 4-1, 4-2-1 and six and eight cylinder exhausts work by interaction. If you are an internet expert and already know it all then this book isn't for you. If you want to learn how it all really works then I suggest you invest £60 in this soft-back book from AJ6 Engineering. Contact Roger on 01625 573556.

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